Business Strategy Advisory

Navigating Corporate Governance in DMCC (Dubai Multi Commodities Centre)

How can self-interest, which, by definition, is about the self, end up benefiting society as a whole?
While this may sound counterintuitive, Adam Smith believed that in a competitive market, this happens all the time. To improve quality, reduce costs, and cater to customer demands, businesses try to outdo each other. Their drive for growth leads to innovation and creates better products and services. The “invisible hand” turns individual ambitions into a force for progress in a competitive marketplace.

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Setting up a business in DMCC

Setting Up a Business in DMCC

Globalisation is characterised by the free movement of capital across countries. But why does capital need to move? It is almost like capital has a mind of its own. It tries to find opportunities where it can achieve the highest returns, which often means moving across borders to areas where resources are more abundant, labour is more cost-effective, or markets are expanding rapidly. This movement allows for more efficient allocation of resources, increased…

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Business Structuring in the UAE

Business Structuring in the UAE

The economic aspirations of a country depend on how well it prepares the ground for its long-term value creation, and the UAE has dominated this story in the last couple of decades. Between 2000 and 2022, the GDP of the UAE has grown by almost 500%. This is an extraordinary achievement that highlights the UAE’s forward-looking economic policies. However, the UAE’s growth story is not simply a matter of historical data. Its true potential will be unleashed in the coming years and decades.

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Business-Restructuring-Challenges Faced by UK Expats in the UAE and How to Overcome Them

Business Restructuring Challenges Faced by UK Expats in the UAE and How to Overcome Them

Businesses need to respond to change, sometimes quite drastically!

The need for making substantial changes to a business may arise from a host of different factors, ranging from an overwhelming financial challenge to disruptive technology that has altered the entire competition landscape. It may also happen that the organisational structure that worked well for decades no longer fits the changing market dynamics. This is where restructuring comes into play.

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Why are UK Expats Looking to Set Up a Business in the UAE?

Why are UK Expats Looking to Set Up a Business in the UAE?

The economic landscape is rarely static. Economic cycles and overall technological progress create disruptions that characterise the continuous evolution of global businesses. Although the UK has dominated technological innovation and economic growth for centuries, the rapid shift in global dynamics has led many UK expats to explore new business opportunities elsewhere. The UAE has become one such place that has been able to capture the dreams of UK expats, with over 5,000 British companies and more than 100,000 UK nationals calling it their home.

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Why do some business strategies fail?

Why Do Some Business Strategies Fail?

Confirmation bias, overconfidence, evading responsibility, and absolute certainty in the face of insufficient evidence—factors that contribute to the failure of business strategies. The Strategy Institute defines a business strategy as “a master plan that outlines the direction the organisation intends to take, the actions it will undertake, and the resources it will allocate to attain certain competitive advantages and drive sustainable growth.” Despite the clarity and intention behind such strategic planning, real-world outcomes often fall short of expectations.

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The Top Fast-Growing Sectors in the UAE and Their Business Opportunities

The Top Fast-Growing Sectors in the UAE and Their Business Opportunities

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) attracts entrepreneurs and businesses from around the globe. Renowned for its dynamic economy and strategic location, the UAE has become a hub for various industries, offering unparalleled opportunities for those looking to establish and expand their ventures. In this blog, we delve into the flourishing sectors within the UAE and shed light on the most thriving businesses to set up, each contributing to the nation’s economic success.

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Start Business in Dubai - AKW Consultants

Steps, Challenges, and Solutions to Starting a Business in Dubai

With its entrepreneur-friendly laws and regulations as well as government incentives, Dubai has created an enticing ecosystem for the establishment businesses, attracting entrepreneurial talents worldwide. The UAE’s “Fifty Economic Plan”, for example, outlines a visionary framework for economic growth. With a strategic government initiative, spanning from 2021 to 2030, that aligns with the interests of business owners and entrepreneurs, many have set their sights on setting up a business in the UAE. In this blog post we will explore the steps it takes to start a business in the most popular of the seven emirates: Dubai. We also delve into the challenges one can face during this process and their possible solutions.

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Free Zone vs Mainland – Key Differences to Know About UAE Business Setup

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) stands as a beacon of opportunity for entrepreneurs worldwide. Nestled between the East and West, its strategic positioning offers unparalleled access to global markets. Over the years, the UAE has meticulously cultivated a reputation as a prime investment destination, characterised by its innovation-driven ecosystem, sophisticated infrastructure, and investor-friendly policies.

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